

She woke up from a dreamless sleep.Her body felt light and so was her head.She inhaled fresh air coming through the large window opening on the opposite wall.Simple yet so valuable pleasures of life,she smiled.Tying her hair into a ponytail,she sat on the window for some time.The wind was free and light and soothing.It was one thing which had the power of taking away all the tiredness in her.She always imagined the winds as dragons trying to get past her and she was the samurai of her world.The more amount of wind she was able to block, the more she felt the pride of defeating the dragons.After all the samurai always wins. No sound in the bath room for a while made her realize she was all alone in the room.She brushed her teeth and afterwards washed her face.Fresh water felt comforting warm against her skin.When she came out she realized she had not noticed something, Arnab was not there and neither was any of his stuff.

She felt her heart sink to a depth she could barely register let alone describe.Her knees felt weak but then she concentrated on her breath and exhaled slowly and went to the drawer to get a napkin to wipe her wet face.Then she sat calmly on the bed.She was looking somewhere on the mat beneath the bed but was somewhere else.When she recollected herself she found in her view the wrinkles in the bed sheet on the other side of bed.At least she could touch them as they were intact, in the place they were supposed to be.She stared helplessly at them.Breaking the thought string came a call from work.She was ready to go after a  hasty shower.Just then when she was locking the apartment she got the sense she was closing something much more bigger and real than the place she lived in.She couldn’t figure it out then or maybe she just refused to acknowledge.


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